Dr. Emad Boctor will be visiting Med-i Lab on Thursday 24 July 2014.

Advanced Ultrasound Imaging and Interventional Photoacoustic Surgical Systems     In recent years, the use of imaging to make immediate clinical and interventional decisions has grown in both sophistication and adoption. Ultrasound is an ideal imaging technology for such purposes, from the perspectives of cost, mobility, and patient radiation exposure. However, ultrasound scan acquisition remains primarily...

Med-i Laboratory and collaborators from Orthopedic Surgery at KGH and UBC receives NSERC-CHRP funding for “Real Time Guidance Surgical Navigation System for Scaphoid Fracture Fixation”.

Med-i Laboratory and collaborators from Orthopedic Surgery at Kingston General Hospital and Univerisity of British Columbia receives NSERC-Collaborative Health Research Program funding for “Real Time Guidance Surgical Navigation System for Scaphoid Fracture Fixation”. April 2012.

Med-i Laboratory and collaborators from Western University and University of British Columbia receives CHRP funding from NSERC for “Augmented Ultrasound-Guided Prostate Biopsy”.

Med-i Laboratory and collaborators from Western University and University of British Columbia receives Collaborative Health Research Projects funding from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada for “Decision Support for Augmented Ultrasound-Guided Prostate Biopsy”. April 2009.